Did you know that the oldest building on the Buffalo property is from 1903 and General Mills began flour production there in 1904 (Gold Medal Flour)? That's over 110 years. How many other companies in Buffalo can you name that have been in continuous business that long? Nothing comes to my mind. They remained strong during the country's recessions and even during the Great Depression. They stayed put in Buffalo, when many other companies left us.

Cheerios didn't begin production there until May, 1941 under the name CheeriOats. It would have been a year earlier if the building had not caught on fire, one week prior to opening. The Edward M. Cotter fireboat actually helped put out the flames.
I, personally, would love to have an opportunity to take a peak inside this amazing piece of Buffalo's history and future. But, there are no tours of the factory or visits allowed. So, if any employee wants to sneak me in...let me know!
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